Election season is here. Are your communications ready?
Highwire Newsletter October 2024
Election season is here. Are your comms ready?
During this pivotal moment in both U.S. and global political history, the upcoming presidential election will undoubtedly impact our daily lives, workplaces, and businesses. This isn't just a political event—this is a watershed moment that potentially has implications for generations to come. In this highly politicized climate, leaders must consider whether their teams have the skills they need to prioritize employee wellbeing. Learn more about how to lead a more caring and effective workplace, especially during turbulent times.
Ayanna Anderson
You ask. We answer.
How can we prepare for election season, especially when it comes to communications?
This is a topic we've been fielding a lot of questions about as we get closer to the 2024 Presidential Election. First, we'd recommend reviewing and updating company policies regarding sharing of political content internally, including guidance on keeping the conversation nonpartisan. Next, build an internal comms strategy to share these policies and keep them in front of employees in the weeks before and after the election.Click herefor more tips and information.
Interested in assessing your election comms readiness?
CNBC's Deirdre Bosa joins 'The Exchange' to discuss OpenAI's report on AI misinformation. Social media platforms were slow to respond to the spread of misinformation, and with the upcoming Presidential Election, how much will AI impact the misinformation problem?
Public awareness about methods of spreading misinformation and how to spot attempts to spread it are important in the runup to the election. Taylor Miles, former chief of staff of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, shares his take in a recentTimearticle.
A look at what's trending.
A look at the last 30 days and the biggest social influencers by follower count around the election. Interestingly, most of the biggest conversations are happening on X (Twitter).
Top 5 topics: Immigration, women's issues, taxes, Supreme Court and racism.
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Learn how Chief Sustainability Officers are managing the expectations and perceptions of what is expected of their respective organizations as the perceptions of "social impact" and "ESG" continue to be re-interpreted.